Our goal is to keep your pet’s teeth as clean and disease free as possible.
Pets, like people, need teeth cleaning on a periodic basis. The interval between professional dentals depends on many factors, but most importantly, on the home care(brushing teeth at home) and on the genetic make-up of your pet.
Our licensed veterinary technicians perform teeth cleaning for our patients. Pets must be anesthetized for this procedure to enable us to properly remove tartar from all surfaces of the teeth.
We use an ultrasonic descaler and a high speed polisher. We extract any teeth with root decay. Dental x-rays are used to diagnose any decay or disease of the mouth that lies underneath the gum’s surface. Having a dental x-ray machine gives us the capability of a complete oral exam. The patient is admitted to the hospital in the morning, and is discharged in the afternoon.
Please ask us what you can do to keep your pet’s teeth healthy and breath fresh. We will be happy to discuss with you any questions that you may have about dental cleaning.